Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dollywood..Rollercoaster & Baby!!!!

Hello all! Still doing my research on cosleeping and SIDS.... Im also thinking about doing a good entry on breastfeeding vs formula for future posts.... However, today I wanted to share Noel Christine's Birth Story just because around this time last year we were finding out we were pregnant.... I hope to not leave anything out but it is late... I had my absolute best friend in the world here with me all last week so Im kinda slacking on posting! Anywho here it goes!

Noel Christine's Birth Story
  My pregnancy with Noel wasnt the easiest birth Ive ever heard of. I had always imagined myself just glowing like a pregnant goddess. I mean really your for the most part allowed to eat whenever... because you have to eat for two. At the time we were living in California when my friend Lexi came out to visit me! 
 We had grand adventurous plans for her visit but for some strange reason I was EXHAUSTED! I seriously was so tired I could barely function.... For her sake I mustered all that I could to get up and go to have girls time in San Diego. She finally came up to the conclusion several times on her visit that... I was pregnant! I kept telling her she was crazy and I was just catching up to time from being in TN for the previous week. Well Lexi went home and I was extremely sad just like every time I am when she goes home. I ended up having to work the following weekend and had a bad day for some reason and I didnt feel good and such. So I came home complaining and Chris's tonic of TN moonshine was his recommendation to make me feel better. For some reason I said ya know I am actually a few days late I better take a test just because I had the strangest feeling. I do the test and sat there staring at it for a minute when the plus line showed up.... So I walked out and showed Chris ,and by the way it happened to be April 1st so he thought it was a really good April Fools Joke.... So he had me take another test and when it came up positive he was beyond himself with happiness while I sat there in silent shock/happiness. So we actually walked down the block to rite aid and bought another set of pregnany test for me to take in the morning just because I had heard it better to test in am.... Yup you guessed it this is a birth story and those other two test came back positive  Co:

  We promised each other that we would keep it to ourselves because we were sending home "special Easter baskets" to each of our families. The baskets consisted of blue/pink peeps, eggs with binkies in them, and a special note from the easter bunny :)
  I kind of wish I could have been there to see their faces when it came in the mail.... Im pretty sure everyone was in shock because we didnt make it public that we were leaving the baby deal to Gods will :) Well fast forward a couple weeks and one morning I woke up spotting....(of which I know this happens during pregnancy sometimes but I would seriously advise anyone that is bleeding of any sort to not just shrug it off get to a DR ASAP) this was very stressful because CA OB/GYN's SUUUUUUUCK! The suck really really bad....the Dr I had initially made a appointment with would not see me they just shrugged it off as it was nothing and to keep my normal 8wks appointment.... this I was not okay with so I called numerous doctors to see if they could get me in and I finally found one that wasnt even a full on OBGYN she specialized in invitro but she said she would see me.... We went in and got to see a ultrasound of our little bit but we then also found out I was in serious danger of losing the baby and we made it in time to the doctor for her to prescribe us progesterone shots.... whew.... close call... stressful..... So yes Christopher got to play Dr for a whole 12 weeks of my pregnancy giving me progesterone shots in the rump.... On top of that I didnt just have morning sickness I had all day sickness with extreme woosiness with heat...And blood drawn twice a week.... It seems like everything made me sick greasy things made me the sickest... ugh I remember just the thought of grease made me want to throw up, mexican food also made me feel yucky especially the mexican store next to my job and when the wind blew right we could smell it in our store yuck... I also hated the smell of alcohol... it seriously smelt like Chris had a huge skunk lolipop everytime he had a beer yuck yuck yuck..... I craved ice cream, milk, lemons,biscuits, and pineapple :)
My first Belly Shot! 12 weeks!
After all that hububb which stressed me out I kind of got chewed out by my boss when she found out I was pregnant.... Shes kinda lucky I was in more of a emotional prego crying mood rather then later of in my emotional prego yelling mood.... Whatever though right... I had a few trips back and forth between Cali and TN (of which I dont recommend flying while prego, and I will never again... so STRESSFUL) but I really loved being in Cali and close to the water.... Thats all I wanted while I was prego was to be in the water ALL THE TIME!!!! The best days I can remember were days that we spent in the water.
We decided to find out the gender of the baby as soon as we could. We are both planners and not knowing would have just not have went well. In San Diego there was a awesome 4d ultrasound place that could tell babies gender at 15 weeks so we made a appointment. :) We went in deciding on a Noel or a Camdon/Caiden/Colton Robert. We came out knowing we were having a NOEL! :) BABY GIRL!!!!
Yup I look pretty horrible... ugh Wasnt expecting a picture!!! But look how happy Christopher looks!
I will just say right now the DRs in California are pretty horrible..... pretty horrible horrible.....  I flew back home in Sept. because I had hit the cut off for when I was allowed to fly... and I wasnt riding back across the country in Christophers truck  while 6 months pregnant.... haha He'd never make it home with as many times we would have had to stop to pull over so I could pee haha.... I was absolutly not delivering my daughter A.) In California and B.)Where my mom couldnt be there!!!
So in September I flew home... Christopher had to finish things up there and came home Oct 31.... welllllll long story short I came home to a wrecked house thanks to the previous tenants :/ Also at this time my doctor diagnosed me with Placenta previa which is, "A condition in which the placenta is implanted in the lower segment of the uterus so that it is adjacent to or obstructs the internal opening of the cervix. It may cause maternal hemorrhage prior to or during labor." Thus I was placed on bed rest. Im sorry but you tell a nesting mother, whom has come home to a stinky filthy, she needs to do nothing about it pretty much.... it isnt going to happen. So yes I will admit it I may have pushed it harder then I had to.... sure would have been nice to come home to a house how I left it.... Anywho long story short I started bleeding... Im pretty sure my call to Christopher gave him a heart attack because I thought I was losing the baby and I was already 26 weeks, but I was bleeding.... Rode in a ambulance for the very first time.... Had a lady try to start a IV and made me throw up and never accomplished getting a IV started while in that ambulance.... We went to Knoxville so I could be monitored and eventually the bleeding stopped.  Whew... My heart is racing now even typing this.... I was so scared and I felt so alone even though I wasnt my parents were there and so was my sister in law..... As much as I loved them for being there for me... they werent Christopher :/ Went home on more of a strict bed rest........ started bleeding again about a month later (We found out it was the internal ultrasound that triggered the bleeding) that time I ended up in the hospital overnight because I was having contractions also.... and there was absolutly no way I was delivering Vaginally with my previa......
Birth Story
November 18th, 2012.... I was 37 weeks pregnant and I was losing my mind on bed rest (Had a internal ultrasound a few days earlier).... It was Sevier County Day at Dollywood so we decided that we would load up a wheelchair and I could get some fresh air! :o) Christopher pushed me up to the first rollercoaster and I had to pee(of course)! So I did and then they pushed me to a nice little spot to be able to watch them on the roller coaster.... They got off the roller coaster and I had to pee (of course) again. And ugh go in there to pee and WHOOOOSH BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!! I cleaned up what I could (SORRY DOLLYWOOD CLEANING CREW... im sure they thought someone died) and walked out the door and looked at Christopher and said, "Well we have to go Im having the baby today." Gosh you should have seen his face hehehehe He said,"Alright.... What... Your Bleeding... (running)...." So we got to the trolley station and they werent picking up yet because they were just opening up.... Christopher and Jacob both ran me from Dollywood to parking lot F to get the truck.... I called the dr and said it was time.... called my sister in law.... and called my mom to tell her to grab my hospital bags.... (Talking to her about it now she said she was so proud because I sounded sooooo calm.) I WAS NOT CALM I WAS FREAKING OUT!!!!  It took us a total of 5 minutes to get to the hospital from Dollywood. I really felt God at that moment.... If we would have been home 30 mins away bleeding at the rate I was..... lets just say it may have not been such a happy ending.... We got to the hospital and got to the L&D room.... The nurses were helping me undress and then one of them said, "Yup that is ALOT of blood." Uhhh yup it was ugh freak out just a little bit more Kim... Within about 20 mins I was on the OR table getting my spinal block of which I was about in shock I really dont remember even getting it all I remember is why Christopher wasnt in the room with me.... I dont know if you have seen the movie What to Expect When Your Expecting but the lady that got the csection was me.... I was not calm.... I was not really anything I WAS EVERYWHERE AT ONCE is the best way to explain it.... They finally brought Christopher in and I was having a itching reaction to some drug they gave me so he said I was asking him to itch my nose my eyes my whole face hahaha I do remember the feeling of knowing I had legs but not being able to move them which (((FREAKED))) me out.... not the fact that I was cut from one side to the other freaked me out it was the thought that I couldnt move my legs..... Noel came out screaming and kicking and crying and just generally unhappy about being removed from the comfy cushion of my bladder.... I got to give her her first kiss <3 and they finished working on me... Christopher elected to stay with me because I was unconsolable. Come to find out my placenta had grown into my uterine wall....  During a C section its important for your uterus  to contract.... well mine wasnt.... I was a about 30 seconds away from my dr starting a emergency hysterectomy because it was not and then by the grace of God it contracted.... He said he just knew it was going to..... Thus, all this medical work I lost a lot of blood and had to recieve a blood transfusion....

This is Noel 1 day old already had her daddy wrapped around her little finger.
It was a rough few days afterwards... alot of throw up and tears.... However, I had great company. Christopher stayed with me my first day after, then he absolutly had to go back to work. My parents and grandmother spent a day with me. And then my brother stayed with me the next day. I was so blessed and thankful for them. It was quite a pregnancy and delivery but,  I thank God everyday for my beautiful Noel. She completes me. She completes our little family :)
  A mommy is what I am and its the best thing Ive ever been. I cant believe that we made something so perfect. <3<3<3<3
Day 1 of being a mommy to my precious Noel!
<3 Kim

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Kim. By the Grace of God. Thanks be to Him.
