Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 a year in review...

  There is not a more true statement then of this meme above. I truly feel like I'm exiting this year a better person. I feel not as if the stress is gone, but as if I have followed the phrase, "Let go and let God" better then I ever have. I started this year down on morale and feeling the need to be 'that mom.' Don't get me wrong I'm still a crunchy organic gentle parenting type of mom. However, I don't feel so down on myself and my situation that I feel the need to hurt everyone's feelings around me just because I can.  Why is that you ask? I did a book study with Good Morning Girls called  You are Loved. Its main point was
    Such a easy concept right? Well I needed to study it for it to sink in. I needed to read that the love  I have for Noel; which is unmeasurable, immense as the sea, forgiving of all, is how much God love me but tenfold.  Here is another excerpt from this study to round out this thought:
Remember that no matter where you are in life, whether you’re in a good place or a hard, lonely place, God is right there with you. Psalm 139:7-10
Christ went to great lengths to demonstrate His love for us….he died on a cross.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”- Romans 5:8
Christ’s death is proof of His unconquerable love for us. He went to such great lengths to demonstrate His love so that we will be secure in knowing we are loved by Him.
“A person who feels loved, lives with relief that they do not have to perform. They live with joy to know they are acceptable as they are. They live with hope because they are not alone.”- Sally Clarkson, You Are Loved

Oh how great His love is for us. I really let this study and a few more studies really sink in and my mood and my demeanor started to change. Christopher and I started plugging ourselves in more church related activities. Small group with amazing Christian friends to do life with every Wednesday. Church service every Sunday, of which Noel looks forward to seeing her friends and Ms.Cyndi. And now... Saturday night church set up when we can. Christopher is 'the head parking dude' at BCC now. I'm very happy serving Sunday mornings rocking babies and putting my cloth diaper knowledge to use. We strive to have a Christ centered home. Which means striving to be Christ like.... also with the wonderful influence of a toddler(parrot) whom is always watching and listening..... We have cut out cussing and yelling(which is best for a relationship anyways.) Drinking isn't the cool thing anymore. Don't get me wrong a glass of wine here and a trip to Smokey Mtn Moonshine are on occasion. Events where there are heavy consumption and the chance of danger are just not desirable anymore to us especially with a impressionable toddler.  Negativity is pushed to the farthest possible corners of the earth. Really our way of life has completely changed 100 %. Relying on God is a big part of our everyday walk. One of my favorite quotes from one of the last sermons this year was, "Outcome is God's responsibility, obedience Is ours" is a perfect way to sum up where our minds are at. I shared this meme not to long ago on Facebook but I really love it.... Its never too late to- and these are in no particular order my top five of 2014 :

1: Start Over
2: Forgive the person who hurt you- Forgive yourself
3: Put your past in your past repent
4: Create Healthy Relationships
5: Hope and Trust in the Lord
  Not that most all of those on that list weren't personally hit one way or another I just find value in those in particular. This year we've went through plenty of struggle between Christopher career changes, to me returning to the workforce, to loving friends through painful times, to Noel terrific twos, to family drama, but through it all ultimately giving God the Glory and exiting 2014 with a full heart and being so in love with the blessings I've been given on top of a growing relationship with Christ. I'm going to leave you all with another meme that I like to strive to for 2015 and a few pictures from 2014
. But my friend I will tell you once you realize how much God loves you everything will mean so much more.
Love- Kim<3

Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Testimony #BeanAndrew

   Our church is currently going through a Disciple sermon series that really challenged me this past Sunday. This last Sunday we learned about Andrew the brother to Peter whom introduced him to Jesus. And to sum it up the main thought was; If you have been introduced, you need to be introducing others. #Beanandrew (If youd love to hear the whole sermon here is the link: its a great one!)

  I'm a shy person by nature. I am very strong in my beliefs, but I am shy. So I thought to myself.... when was the last time I've given my testimony. The answer to that was at a job interview earlier this year, but before that-Never nope not even people closest to me know this story. By no means am I ashamed in my beliefs. I guess I've just not put myself in the situation to have someone ask my about my personal testimony. So I thought to myself what a better way then to share it on my blog for the world to see the power of Christ in me. Soooooo here it goes. :)

    I wasnt brought up in a religious Christian family, just a Christian part of America. By no means is this a bash on my family by any means everyone has their own way to find the Lord and theirs is just down a different path then mine is. I respect that. With that being said the only time I knew or heard anything about God was when my friends would invite me to church in middle school and high school. I did one stint of church camp at ridgecrest and that was my first eye opening experience. I knew nothing about church or God or religion, but I knew my hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I would hear the music at the conference. I left that conference unsure and honestly embarassed and confused. From that stand point I felt like a idiot.... I didnt know the Bible.... I didnt know the order of the books in the Bible in order like everyone else... At that point I thought it was more important to know the facts rather then knowing what I know now..... how embarassing...... I found myself at that point closed down and rather against the whole idea of being involved in anything that has to do with the church... or people who could obviously see I didnt know Ruth from Mary. (See this goes back to my being shy issue... Young me really cared alot about what people thought of me. And it upset me to think people would think I was dumb by any means.)

    From that point we jump to 2006, my great grandmother was on her deathbed. I was 17/18 about to graduate high school spending every minute I could by her nursing home bedside. She was a fiesty little lady with a attitude to boot. She knew what she wanted and she got it. She was independent to the point of be 90+ still working on her prized elephant ears against doctors orders. It killed me seeing her locked up in a nursing home dependent on others for her well being. It still rings through my ears when I think of her and one of her last statements she addressed talking to me... "She was ready to be out of that place and with the Lord." She passed that October, a month or so after I started college. He funeral was in a beautiful old school house in Greeneville,TN. (Actually, my grandmother went to school there when she was little but the closed it down and turned it into a funeral home. Crazy I know.) There was family and friends a plenty. My dad had a hard time with her passing. But I also know when its my time to be strong and that day I was strong for him. What kept me strong though was the comfort of the pastor in the services nice words. He spoke of heaven and how my great grandmother wasnt in pain anymore and at the end he offered a open invitation to pray for salvation and make Jesus Christ my personal savior. And you know what that day I did. It seemed like in that moment and in that event it clicked. In my sadness and my lowness there was a man whom walked this same Earth as me and died for me and my family and our sins. There was also a man whom sent his one and only Son on this path when he knew the ending to his story. How moving and how special that was to me. How comforting to feel that vast amount of love. Thats all I knew and I believed it. I started going to church with my then boyfriend and friends and about a half a year after that I was baptized.


   At this point in life I was in college. Well basically I did the college thing... went a lil bit wild. My relationship with God became a distant thought. Never was it gone. I didnt stop believeing in Him. I just wasnt walking with him. I would categorize it in the trying to find myself on my own. Thus, a bit lost. :/

  In this wild and crazy time of my life I stumbled along, but found a gem. A mister Christopher Walton. This Chris character at the time we found each other was equally lost in this thing we call life. He was raised in a Catholic family. Never did he really say he was full on Catholic but his family was. The few times that he went to my Southern Baptist Church it did nothing for him besides bore him. And the few times that I went to his families Catholic church it did nothing for me but scare and wear me out(stand up sit down kneel stand up kiss your neighbor sit down).*PS* No Offense to anyone this was just my take on the experience.** Thus we were both pushed a little bit farther from organized church all together.
   It was also the point in my life when I found my grandfathers health going down hill. He had cancer of which He went to be with the Lord within months. To say my world caved in was pretty accurate. All the hours trying to prove myself to my then boyfriend on top of spending every free minute I had in the hospital with my grandfather on top of a bit of a eating disorder and a new found obsession with running alot was my new reality. I think God at this time placed Christopher in my life for a reason. He was my rock. He drove me to the nursing home the day my grandfather passed and was just there for the immense amount of tears and mental breakdowns that happened. Never had I had that before in my life. My grandfather was buried in Illinois.

    Christopher even offered to go up north with me risking his job. It was this experience that I knew that he was my one and only, and I fought for him. I thank God everyday for having him while I was going through this new low. God only knows where I would be today with out him. **Okay sorry this story is going to get less sad I promise.**
   After my grandfather passed I found myself at a crossroad that brought me back closer to my Heavenly Father. All this crap and partying I was doing was trivial compared to the life I want to have and the people I was neglecting. I dove into my college classes and graduated with my degree in 2011. Christopher had graduated earlier that year and was gone to San Diego for his first big Rad job. We got married just before I graduated in 2011. He was actually home for a week and then back out to California he went. Life happened after I graduated and well..... It was messy but out to San Diego I went to live with my new husband. :)))

  We loved being newlyweds in San Diego. It was us. We depended on each other. There was no one else to depend on. It was a great time in our relationship. I think God provided this experience for us. Who would have thought in a million years Id be living in California. Just so happened we were 2 blocks for a awesome contemporary Baptist church that we visited and instantly fell in love with. It was full of people who were our age, they didnt care if we had jeans on or if they had surf shorts on, the music was awesome, and most of all the pastor Loved people and Loved God! What could be better?!
    Well let me tell you what it got better.... after months of trying on April 1st(OH NO it was not a joke) we found out we were expecting. I had problems early on to the point that I was a day to hours from miscarrying according to the Doctor we found due to such low levels of progesterone. You see I started bleeding at 6 weeks and no one would see me. I called nearly every OB in San Diego and no one would see me.... I had become desperate and was crying on the phone to a DR that specialized in INVITRO and she told me to come in. This was God. He was there in my desperation and He saved our precious lil angel. I had all day sickness.... Christopher had to give me shots every night... I was miserable... but we were pregnant and we were overjoyed! We knew that there was no question we would be rasing our DAUGHTER in church and in the Lord. After all it was It was the Big Man whom gifted us this precious angel. Months go by and it comes the time that I have hit the cut off date for me to fly home and have our daughter. For certain reasons unnamed I had a hard time being home. I was placed on bedrest due to placenta previa(of which the SD dr told me nothing about). I started bleeding again which resulted in a ambulance ride to the hospital while Christopher was driving across country home. Lets just say he got home quicker then expected. Things were fine at that point. A few weeks later I was bleeding again. That resulted in a overnight hospital stay at 34 weeks. And at 37 weeks on a wheelchair bound visit to Dollywood I started bleeding more then I had previous times. My placenta ruptured and let me tell you by the grace of God we were close enough to our hospital that we had a beautiful daughter and even though I lost alot of blood and was close to a hysterectomy(SP?) I was fine...... This may have not been the same story if Id been sitting at home and not just 5 minutes from the hospital.... In all actuality of it I could not be here typing this story. This was God! You can tell me it was luck but, I know the truth! God was with me and he save our daughter a second time. During this time he has provided for us by placing Christopher in jobs and oddly having random money show up when we really needed it. He sustains! 4 weeks after Noel was born we found a contemporary church here close to us and let me tell you what God has shown himself to us so much over this last year and half of being there. We have a community of amazing people there with us. We have been blessed to be placed into a learning group with people our age to do life with and cry with and praise God with and we are all the better for them and our church. I have never been closer to God. My relationship with Christ is growing stronger every day that goes by. A current study I am doing has shown me just how dearly God loves me and I have no clue as to why I have been distant for so long. He never lost hope in me. We are in a new battle everyday but God is good all the time. He is Mighty to save.

Let me please include my two favorite verses:
1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen ppl, a royal preisthood, a holy nation, Gods special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I do hope if you have got to this point in this blog I have done my part to introduce you! If you have any questions about a Having a relationship with our Savior.... Please feel free to contact me! If I cant answer your questions I can direct you to some great people who will unjudgingly love to love you and answer your questions. In the meanwhile, if you dont have a realtionship with Christ I pray for you to find the comfort we have found living our life for our Heavenly Father.

<3 Kim

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Influences has been a topic that has been laid on my heart here the last couple weeks. Therefore, I figured Id blog about it to try and get all this jumble out of my head. Influence is defined as, "the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
I am finally getting around to writing about this topic on the spir of a conversation my husband had on his personal facebook page. The status topic was something along the lines of him being upset after watching the ACM awards and the downfall of country music in his opinion. This conversation progressed into how in his opinion the only thing now worth listening to is Contemporary Christian.
        - Chris Walton "Don't get me wrong I like all the different music I used to plus old school rap, country , rock, etc but I hate when that it is all starting to mix together. As far as radio listening the only thing is k love which yes has some of everything Christian and plays alot of the stuff repeats but I know if Noel gets in the truck it will be safe for her to listen to and really it is the only thing that speaks to me."

This is where the conversation progressed into more of a topic as to why thats all we listen to with Noel in the car. This exact question was actually asked..... "Chris you grew up listening to ICP and and all kinds of music ..why wouldn't you let Noel acquire her own taste in music ..But influenced by you and Kims likes? ..." And much like my very well spoken husband he had a amazing response:) *HighLighting My favorites!*

        -Chris Walton Let me be clear, my choice in music now and as a kid have changed and as a kid I had way to much freedom in music and viewing options. Am I a bad person for it? No, should a kid be subjected to profanity and things like that or the Crap that is allowed in most movies and shows? Not a chance, the world has turned into a disgusting place and what is being dubbed acceptable for young kids these days is really bothering me. Maybe I have become soft, or can be called a hypocrite but I don't want my daughter exposed to cursing all the time and think that is ok to speak or even more so be spoken to like that by some dude. I curse(not around Noel) I still have a drink, my favorite movies are slasher films and I have bad habits but I don't want her exposed to that until it is age appropriate.  lets take swearing in front of her, if I was to sit and talk like that in front of her all day and night then tell her that she cant or shouldn't say those bad words, then what kind of example am I setting or how hypocritical would that be? same thing with what we watch on tv, listen on the radio, or even eat and drink. if I sat there and ate a big mac while she sat and ate just fruits and veggies because that is what is good for her then why am I eating crap? and even more so becoming a follower of Christ, I can sit and preach and say well give her the option to choose when she is old enough but if I am not doing it, if I am sitting idol and just saying she should believe without showing her then in most cases it will never happen. trying to live and lead by example."

There were not many rebutals after that one to my suprise! However, I find it amazing how what has been on my mind and my heart to come ahead in a silly lil facebook status starting off about Country music.

A lot of our recent Bible studies have been around the topic of viewing what you want for your future..... visualize.... and then gravitate to things that portray that in your mind. I apply that to parenting and Noel. What I visualize for Noel is a beautifully strong and independent but, soft and caring young woman whom Loves her Lord and her family with all her mind body and soul. A lovely lady that will not seek out bad habits(smoking, drinking, cussing, etc) because she sees people around her doing them. But rather see these influences as unacceptable and draws closer to Jesus and his always flowing love for her. I pray that she doesnt see the oversexualization and industry of exploting women bodies and sex. Rather I pray she learn respect and love of her body and respectable relationship behaviors. I pray that she sees healthy relationships as normalcy instead of a rare thing. That she will see between her parents, between her grandma and grandpa, her church families. I pray for a young women whom knows the difference between right and wrong.

Thus, these type of people places objects are what we are purposely gravitating to..... and purposely avioding. For example we are more then likely going to go to a church Easter hunt rather then a rock concert with a bunch of people smoking cussing drinking and acting like children rather then adults...... (As you see thats not a behavior we want her to see as acceptable!)

Yes I have set the bar high. I know she will spread her little wings and explore this world of which scares the poo out of me. However, I also feel as a parent it is in fact my role to point her and guide her in the right direction.

-Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

So what is the answer for us as her parents..... I think this kind of sums it up.......

-Proverbs 13:20
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

This verse speaks to me in two ways. First off it tells me that much like my husband said above, we need to be her ultimate example. The way we talk, what we listen to, what we watch, what we eat, the way we live is what we need to reflect as the ultimate good influence.

Second off, maybe those things or people whom dont exhibit the values and believes are necessary for rasing a young lady as I explained above need to be limited or ultimately removed.  Because, like I said influences are a great big deal in the recipie of building up a person.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Our New Cloth Diaper Addiction

I really wish we would have started this cloth diaper deal from the beginning of little Noels life. We are jumping on the train a little late in the game. Late is better then never I guess. Im going to answer the Whys? and the Whats/Hows? as far as cloth diapers and how they are involved in our family now. Enjoy!:)
Our stash to thus point plus a robins egg blue and a bright yellow!:)

Why in the World would we decide to cloth diaper??? Well I will give you our top 3!

1.)$$$$$$$$$$ <- Money! Yes! That is our number one. Noel has a super sensitive hiney. Thus, we have tried nearly every kind of disposable out there and the only kind that seemed to treat her okay was Pampers Sensitives. So lets go into a little math..... A big box of Pampers sensitive is 45.99 at buy buy baby. Usually, a month we would go through 2 boxes. Then we will throw in a box of wipes a month which is 12$ at target. Soooo I plan on having Noel potty trained by the age of 2. SOOOO 2 years of disposables equals 1391.76, and that doesnt include my gas/time to go to Knoxville for the big boxes of diapers. To this point I have spend close to 180$ on 18 cloth diapers, a wet bag, probably 30 inserts, special detergent, stain remover, a bamboo night time insert, cloth wipes, and pump soap for cloth wipes. I do not plan on spending more then 300$ on cloth diapers. Yes our water may go up just a bit but not much. Plus with the beautiful weather lately instead of using the dryer I just line dry in the sun. ***Helpful tip: Sunlight helps bring out stains:)
Oh BTW if you wondering what you cost may be I have stumbled across a helpful lil cloth vs disposable diaper calculator. Here is the web address:

2.)  Well I already touched on it above but our second reason is Noels sensitive hiney. But to add a little more to this second reason our families notion that we want to be self sustaining and more natural has helped push the topic. I hear about all the yucky chemicals/burns in disposables in all my mommy sites and Im over it. Its my resposibiliy to keep my daughter healthy and safe and if that means washing her diapers then so be it! ***BTW Im not a cloth diaper prude if you dont cloth diaper thats cool beans or whatever but for me and my family these are our beliefs:)
******Side note: Just had to spend two days out of cloth due to what I believe is a reaction to the detergent.... New detergent as of today so hopefully that helps....

3.) I keep hitting reasons in other reasons. So to go along with the all natural stand we are making, our third reason to cloth diaper is because its better for the Earth. Ive read somewhere that in a 2 year span(birth to 2) you will change somewhere between approx 5,000-6,000 diapers. Can you imagine all of those diapers in a land fill. Goodness it kinda make me sick thinking about it. :/

There are more reasons including; how stinkin cute Noel is running around like big booty Judy, or the multitude of designs, etc. But, I am going to link a lil video from one of my favorite bloggers. I align very closely with her views. Shes does her own personal video on her families reasons why cloth diapers are better then disposables its a great watch:

Now we shall enter the *WHAT?!

When we started cloth diapering I was so lost on the terminology and the whats and hows and what kinds/brands mumbo jumbo it was almost intimidating! So basically this is what we have decided on......

 At first I thought I would go with a ALL IN ONE or for the cloth diaper savvy a (aio)... Why? Well because they are all in one.... there is no extra step they are the closest thing to a disposable diaper but it being cloth. You dont have to have any sorta snap together contraption or inserts etc etc. All you do is clean them out rinse and throw them in the washer. Therefore, I thought that would be the easiest adjustment for us(Christopher). Well then he saw the difference in price a aio diaper was compared to a pocket diaper.

What is a pocket diaper you ask?

It is basically a diaper cover and you have to stuff inserts into the pocket. So there is that added step of putting in the insert and taking out the insert. However, there is a difference in pricing. Thus, we decided we would go with pocket diapers. I do have 2 aio diapers of which I love. However, it take a whopping like 5 mins more to stuff the pockets so I dont mind.  When it comes to kinds we have a few different kinds. We have: Alva babys, a Bumgenius, a Blueberry Simplex, and a Thirsties diaper. I would say my least favorite is my thirstie diaper just because of lack of snaps and fit. That brings up a good point. I got a tip from one of my cloth diaper friends to stick with snaps. Why? Because she said at the rate the diapers are to be washed the velcro kind tends to run their courses pretty short into their lives. Therefore, I have all snap diapers. (Of which is a good decision now that Noel can take off her sposies:/ )

And now the one everyone seems to get caught up on *THE HOW*

..... you mean you have to clean out their poo? Thats what I hear.... but honestly, tell me as a parent you have changed your child and never got pee or poo on you?! Tell me... be honest!!!!! Okay exactly!

---Here is my process for a pee diaper---> take diaper down stairs to our utility sink... take out pocket...spray out diaper and insert/ ring out/ hang or put in pail until wash time.

---Here is my process for a pee diaper---> take diaper to the toilet clean out what poo I can into the toilet.... take diaper down stairs... take out insert spray out the diaper/insert.... apply spot remover(CAREFUL HAS TO BE DESIGNATED FOR Cloth diapers)..... hang or put in pail until wash time...

Wash with detergent that is cloth diaper safe.... Air dry on a cloths line outside ( or dry in dryer on the low setting) *BTW the sun is a great stain remover!!!

Then stuff inserts:)

Thats it.... all done.... not that hard... its really not that gross either! :)))

Im going to link another how to from mama natural because they are awesome and Id be lost on this journey with out their helpful videos: This video is cloth diaper set up:)

I know I am missing tons of information(stripping the diapers, night time, etc) I plan on doing a update on this topic in the next couple months! :)))


Some images from google search images:)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This is me...take it or leave it.....

This is a general blog kinda to go along with my introducation blog.... This is me take it or leave it.....

-I make it very hard for people/anyone to really get to know the real me.... Its just in my nature..... Id say maybe a handful of people know me good enough to where Ill joke around with them and be open....
-I find it very very very hard to trust people.... To this point there are about a handful of people whom I would actually let watch Noel.... If I dont trust you... You absolutely can not watch what is most precious in this world to me.... If you have in any way ever broken my trust just forget it...
-In person I am very introverted.... I dont like big crowds... Id rather sit at home and read a book... Small talk isnt really my strong point thus I dont care for it much.... Also, I like what I say to be fact based.... Thus, when Im asked a question Im not certain on Id rather go home and read into it rather then blurt out something that isnt necessarily truth...
-I as a person whom saw her life revolving around a educational atmosphere always had the general belief that people always have the option to improve themselves and that they ultimately want to better themselves and that they deserve to be better.... However, I have found in my life experience that some people are content not doing these things at all.....
-I as a person hate drama.... I hate people CRAVING the need to be in my business....
-I use to think people were generally good..... and not just good in front of your face so that they can get whatever they want out of you but then turn around and talk trash about you behind your back.... the later is what I have become to know is true with a good portion of people....
-I use to believe that trying to better your family whether by living healthy or living your life for Christ or working hard to provide for your family was something people would come to brag about and be happy for, instead these days people use that sort of thing to look at you and say "see they go to church or they eat organic so they think they are better then us"
-I use to think that ultimately my opinion didnt matter about topics, but now having a daughter has opened my eyes to the fact that my opinion matters because of how I choose to raise her and what kind of person we are producing
-Things I am very passionate about(breastfeeding,natural parenting, holistic dog food, holistic living, healthy diets especially for little ones, childrens rights for a happy healthy Christ centered childhood, God recognized marriage) certain topics so if the topic arises yes I will in fact be VERY VERY OPINIONATED and will usually pull facts out that I have actually read into and researched and believe....
-My husband and I are not the norm... whether that is because we have not always been stuck in this bubble known as east TN or for whatever other reason... we are choosing to live and parent differently then what most around us seem to believe ... however, we see it as best.... so no people I am not blindly leading my husband.... You dont have to go home and say poor poor Noel Kim is crazy and Christopher just goes along with the ride... We actually as a married couple sit down and talk about EVERYTHING... everything from what food to feed Noel next to what our feelings are about different topics like how to raise our child.... so No people its not just me....

I have a beautiful family and a roof over my head and heat when its cold and parents that are always a call away for help.... but with all the blessings I wonder why life has changed me to have this just negative outlook and/ or negative influences around me..... Why did I have to experience these people or these event to get me to the above conclusions or thoughts?.... I remember one of my first small group meetings we did a small activity with three different people with different characteristics and it baffled me to hear most everyone say they didnt know a person with some of these certain undesirable characteristics.... ....

At our weekly church small group meeting there were a few questions and one that really struck me was, "What do I as a Christian think a Christians characteristics should be?" There was a ton of great answers... humble, caring, patient,... but my sole answer was genuine..... Genuine to me is a characteristic that combines alot of other good characteristics... A person whom is genuine is a person whom is real, they care about you overall, they want what is best for you in every situation, they are helpful when needed, they wont stab you in the back for their betterment, they dont mooch or take advantage of you because they want whats for you, they encourage you when you are down and like I said they are just real they arent one thing infront of you and then another behind you.....

Let go into a situational experience:

***I am very opinionated(yet, again!)***
 I think sometimes my opinion is soooooo strong because I see so many offensive things.... This picture above caused a little stir on my personal facebook page because more then likely the way I worded the intro to this picture. In my very honest opinion I know that this product is crap combined into a cute lil monkey shape.... Please look at the ingredients.... I found it offensive that this product would A)be made for childrens consumption  B) That this would be given to my child to eat.... It is my full belief just like I believe in the Lord above that if something is not in some way nutritional for my child it should not be consumed.... seriously the carnauba wax that you see there in the ingredients list is used also in car wax.... exactly what I think should be polluting my precious angels body right?! (I understand some parents dont look this deep into things and to each their own.... I do and I find it crazy parents wouldnt look into it<--Personal opinion of which Im entitled to) Thus I was soooo offended I posted about it and yes maybe it came off insensitive and maybe judgemental but in my mind I had the whole world agreeing with me because this product is crap....and its offensive...

Now lets jump back to the genuine person talk a few paragraphs back.... After much thinking and a conversation with someone.... Have I been over exposed to these people/events whom are very not genuine thus making me the person I am now... someone who is cold and wouldnt be descibed as genuine... someone who is needing to get my point across in a very judgemental way instead of a Christ centered genuine way? I believe so.... Do I want everyone to see my side, even though many may see it as hippie or "better then them"? Yes... I believe knowledge is power and that people are only in the wrong if they know better.... Do I need to be so pushy ehhhh probably not...... Did I post the picture to harp and call out people whom dont look further yes and no.... Like I said I need to change my delivery I think.... So I guess what I could say is instead of harp on me and think Im crazy be in prayer with me to be more informative and less shame bashing/demeaning of those whom dont know better and would be open to information I may have to share..... And no Im not rude.... I am strong willed and strongly opinionated when it comes to my daughter.... :)

End rant/blog....


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why smoking around kids stinks.....literally......duh,,,,

 I am writing this because I got such a thrilling (JP) response on an article I posted about smoking being child abuse. In all honesty it really took me off hand by the amount of opposition I had from people. After I got over the general shock of people finding this okay I felt sad that there are people in this world that find it completely acceptable to raise children around this nasty habit. I am going to go ahead and tell you that this information is all factual and if you are a smoker it may offend you….. However, it shouldn’t offend you because it is based all on facts. I am not singling anyone out. I have smokers in my family and in my extended family and in my husbands family. I also live with the thought that your not in the wrong unless you know better. So if you don’t know better I hope this blog will show some sort of awareness to you. If you do know better then quit it! I also want to say that I post this with personal ties from the effects of smoking I have a family member who has to rely on asthma medication to get them through the day because of being exposed to so much secondhand & thirdhand smoke. I also had a family member pass away from emphysema. Therefore, I am not posting this blindly.

I was taught from a young young age that smoking is bad. In my mind it is the persons own decision that they don’t care about themselves enough to want to do this to their own body, a slow suicide I guess you could say. That’s why it really boils my water when someone close to me decides to live this lifestyle. Let me also say it really didn’t so much bother me until I became a parent. Let me throw a few random facts at you real quick: (Yes….I’m sure you probably already know them.)


Tobacco use is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced.

  • There are more than one billion smokers in the world.
  • Globally, use of tobacco products is increasing, although it is decreasing in high-income countries.
  • Almost half of the world's children breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke.
  • The epidemic is shifting to the developing world.
  • More than 80% of the world's smokers live in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Tobacco use kills 5.4 million people a year - an average of one person every six seconds - and accounts for one in 10 adult deaths worldwide.
  • Tobacco kills up to half of all users.
  • It is a risk factor for six of the eight leading causes of deaths in the world.



  If I wanted to I could completely write this article about how smoking sucks and that by doing so it’s not very smart. But you know what; I don’t smoke so that’s not my battle. I choose to live and want to have a healthy lifestyle for myself and for everyone around me including my daughter. That’s where it gets the point where I start getting aggravated about smoking. Its not that the person is silly for doing it it’s for the innocent children that have to suffer because of their selfish parents choosing to do this nasty habit. Look at the fact up there; “Almost half of the world’s children breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke.” That disgusts me. I am not the person that throws around the term child abuse lightly but, what is abuse defined as? Abuse is defined by as, “to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way.” So by the definition how is smoking around your kid any different???? Its harmful to their health; and to top it off its offensive to make your child be subdued to being in the same environment!

  By it affecting a child or another person it can be classified as secondhand smoke. Well Kim, what is secondhand smoke? Defined on this is the definition,” Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke that comes from your cigarette and smoke you breathe out while smoking. Breathing in any amount of secondhand smoke is dangerous.” (  I think of secondhand smoking of the parent whom smokes around their child or is smoking in the same vehicle as their child. Some of the effects from secondhand smoking around children are children with: More severe asthma attacks, Bronchitis, pneumonia, and other breathing problems, Coughing and wheezing, Ear and lung infections, possible ADHD and many behavioral problems, cognitive impairments, and the list goes on and on. Another effect that is close to my heart because I have an infant is SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome.) Did you know that an infant that is exposed to secondhand smoke doubles the risk of having SIDS? Did you also know that a mother whom smokes triples her child’s chances of having SIDS?

 This takes me to a whole different topic. I am sorry if you get offended by this statement that I am about to make but if you are pregnant and your smoking its proves two things to me: A) your selfish…. Selfish in the thought that you can’t put your child’s health before your nasty addiction B) Maybe you’re not quite ready to be a parent. In my mind, if you are a parent, you are living everyday putting someone else’s needs above your own. By smoking while pregnant you’re showing that you don’t quite understand that concept.

The thirdhand smoke is a more recent idea that directly affects children. “Thirdhand smoke consists of the tobacco residue from cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products that is left behind after smoking and builds up on surfaces and furnishings. It may seem merely like an offensive smell, but it is also indicative of the presence of tobacco toxins. Tobacco smoke is composed of numerous types of gasses and particulate matter, including carcinogens and heavy metals, like arsenic, lead, and cyanide. Sticky, highly toxic particulates, like nicotine, can cling to walls and ceilings. Gases can be absorbed into carpets, draperies, and other upholsteries. A 2002 study found that these toxic brews can then reemit back into the air and recombine to form harmful compounds that remain at high levels long after smoking has stopped occurring. The homes, hair, clothes, and cars of smokers can have significant levels of thirdhand smoke contamination. Young children are particularly vulnerable, because they can ingest tobacco residue by putting their hands in their mouths after touching contaminated surfaces. (”

A great video explaining thirdhand smoke is at this link:

Thirdhand smoke can end in many of the same ailments that happen with secondhand smoking and even DNA damage. Yuck! Just another little side note my husband whom is a radiological technologist tells me all the time that someone whom smokes a pack of cigs a day gets 8 times more radiation then what a RAD worker can get in a year of work. But that’s cool right? Smoking is cool….Its calming…. It keeps you skinny…. Its harming your children’s quality of life…. But cool right?! Naw!

  Now that I have posted the facts and physical effects of it what about the emotional effects. Some of you may be say huh?! I worked within the school systems and one of the days I was working I remember this event very vividly because it made me sad. This little boy in second grade spent the better half of our outside play time trying to get someone to play with him. He finally broke down crying and when the teachers there with me and I asked him what was wrong he said no one wanted to play with him. When we asked the kids around that he was trying to play with why they wouldn’t play with him their answer was, “We don’t want to play with him because he stinks!” They weren’t lying he smelled like he came from a very heavily smoked in home environment. I can’t imagine what it feels like to be a kid that small rejected by his peers just because his parents are careless and send him out stinking like a smoke box. So yes it does affect them emotionally. I know personally if I know someone that smokes and smokes a lot I limit my exposure to them for the ‘mere fact that that smell ultimately gives me a headache.

I don’t understand why people got so upset and hurt by me posting my opinions about this topic.(Especially, when facts back my opinions.) But I do understand that when it comes to parenting no one whom may be guilty of an unsavory habit wants to hear they are wrong, even though they really do know they are. So suck it up people the truth hurts sometimes. I know the word abuse it a bit strong but if you sit and really think about it... it could apply based on the severity of it. I hope if anything my post shined a light onto the subject, even if you only read the straight facts quoted! There now you know better! ;)

-Photo credits: images search

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy Happy Happy

  Well Noel and I had a full day... so by some grace of God, she is off in dreamland already. We spent the morning at a mommy and me class singing and dancing and playing away. Then we came home and did some baking, and then rushed off to our weekly church community group meeting where Noel got in some more playing with her friends! I figured while I have a few minutes I would update this lil gem of a blog! :)

  Can I first just say that God always provides for us. These last few weeks have been quite a transition for the three of us. Christopher got to come home from Chicago before Christmas time and we have be praying and waiting for a new job opportunity to arise. Ill be the first one to go ahead and say its not been easy. I still consider myself a newlywed...(Its only been 2 yrs).... imagine this all of my married readers... the thought that you have to get use to living with your husband again. Can you imagine that thought? Before Christopher started traveling that thought never crossed my mind. He would go to work.... I would go to work.... then we would come home together and do what needed around the house and go to bed and thats just how it was..... Everytime now when he comes home its like a conditioning period and I HATE IT! We usually end up having fights and getting on each others last nerve. Im mad he is doing something instead of what I think he should be doing. Im sure its the same the other way. I am use to the rules I have in place and the way I am living to have him come back in and change it all up again.... (Im not to fond of the idea of change....) Well 3 & 1/2 weeks later, I think we have finally passed the hump and on the downhill climb of this conditioning....

I guess what I am finally getting at is I can sit here and say I am happy/content. We are pretty positive Chris has a job nailed down. (Me not so much......) But I am happy...My husband is home, my child is healthy and growing, my family is well, there is a roof over my head and heat(brrrrr cold outside), I have a wonderful church & church family, my friends are awesome<- Of COURSE!, Im a SAHM... I look at my life and the way it was going about 6 months ago and how out of control and sad and the feeling of behing left behind and like a failure and I can finally officially say ....  I am happy again. Yes Yes I know I should not base my happiness on someone else...blah blah blah..... But I am married for a reason for the help the companionship and most of all because I am soooooooo head over heels in Love with my husband its silly! <3


Heres a couple pictures from the last lil bit:
This is our everyday life pretty much playing with a mix of cartoons (of which today I decided she was getting too much tv so that shall be docked) with her baby sitter(Honey Bear)! :)

                                         Our Family Christmas Picture:)

                    Noels Christmas Morning spent opening gifts and playing with her new toys...She was the winner of the best presents award this year(I see that being a yearly thing) She got a tricycle, a rocking horse, and a ton of other things! And up there is a nice picture with her Grandparents even though her grandpa was being silly!
And this is the Christmas day Nap:)

                    The homemade pizza I made.... Im getting into this making from scratch baking.... That way I know whats in it especially with our all natural switch we are trying to do!!!!

Noels aunt Kelly and cousin Taylor came down and we got to go to the aquarium with them! Such a fun day! :)))
Many faces of Noel!!!

YAYAYAYAYAYAY We got a snow day! :))) *******
