Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy Happy Happy

  Well Noel and I had a full day... so by some grace of God, she is off in dreamland already. We spent the morning at a mommy and me class singing and dancing and playing away. Then we came home and did some baking, and then rushed off to our weekly church community group meeting where Noel got in some more playing with her friends! I figured while I have a few minutes I would update this lil gem of a blog! :)

  Can I first just say that God always provides for us. These last few weeks have been quite a transition for the three of us. Christopher got to come home from Chicago before Christmas time and we have be praying and waiting for a new job opportunity to arise. Ill be the first one to go ahead and say its not been easy. I still consider myself a newlywed...(Its only been 2 yrs).... imagine this all of my married readers... the thought that you have to get use to living with your husband again. Can you imagine that thought? Before Christopher started traveling that thought never crossed my mind. He would go to work.... I would go to work.... then we would come home together and do what needed around the house and go to bed and thats just how it was..... Everytime now when he comes home its like a conditioning period and I HATE IT! We usually end up having fights and getting on each others last nerve. Im mad he is doing something instead of what I think he should be doing. Im sure its the same the other way. I am use to the rules I have in place and the way I am living to have him come back in and change it all up again.... (Im not to fond of the idea of change....) Well 3 & 1/2 weeks later, I think we have finally passed the hump and on the downhill climb of this conditioning....

I guess what I am finally getting at is I can sit here and say I am happy/content. We are pretty positive Chris has a job nailed down. (Me not so much......) But I am happy...My husband is home, my child is healthy and growing, my family is well, there is a roof over my head and heat(brrrrr cold outside), I have a wonderful church & church family, my friends are awesome<- Of COURSE!, Im a SAHM... I look at my life and the way it was going about 6 months ago and how out of control and sad and the feeling of behing left behind and like a failure and I can finally officially say ....  I am happy again. Yes Yes I know I should not base my happiness on someone else...blah blah blah..... But I am married for a reason for the help the companionship and most of all because I am soooooooo head over heels in Love with my husband its silly! <3


Heres a couple pictures from the last lil bit:
This is our everyday life pretty much playing with a mix of cartoons (of which today I decided she was getting too much tv so that shall be docked) with her baby sitter(Honey Bear)! :)

                                         Our Family Christmas Picture:)

                    Noels Christmas Morning spent opening gifts and playing with her new toys...She was the winner of the best presents award this year(I see that being a yearly thing) She got a tricycle, a rocking horse, and a ton of other things! And up there is a nice picture with her Grandparents even though her grandpa was being silly!
And this is the Christmas day Nap:)

                    The homemade pizza I made.... Im getting into this making from scratch baking.... That way I know whats in it especially with our all natural switch we are trying to do!!!!

Noels aunt Kelly and cousin Taylor came down and we got to go to the aquarium with them! Such a fun day! :)))
Many faces of Noel!!!

YAYAYAYAYAYAY We got a snow day! :))) *******


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