Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Influences has been a topic that has been laid on my heart here the last couple weeks. Therefore, I figured Id blog about it to try and get all this jumble out of my head. Influence is defined as, "the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
I am finally getting around to writing about this topic on the spir of a conversation my husband had on his personal facebook page. The status topic was something along the lines of him being upset after watching the ACM awards and the downfall of country music in his opinion. This conversation progressed into how in his opinion the only thing now worth listening to is Contemporary Christian.
        - Chris Walton "Don't get me wrong I like all the different music I used to plus old school rap, country , rock, etc but I hate when that it is all starting to mix together. As far as radio listening the only thing is k love which yes has some of everything Christian and plays alot of the stuff repeats but I know if Noel gets in the truck it will be safe for her to listen to and really it is the only thing that speaks to me."

This is where the conversation progressed into more of a topic as to why thats all we listen to with Noel in the car. This exact question was actually asked..... "Chris you grew up listening to ICP and and all kinds of music ..why wouldn't you let Noel acquire her own taste in music ..But influenced by you and Kims likes? ..." And much like my very well spoken husband he had a amazing response:) *HighLighting My favorites!*

        -Chris Walton Let me be clear, my choice in music now and as a kid have changed and as a kid I had way to much freedom in music and viewing options. Am I a bad person for it? No, should a kid be subjected to profanity and things like that or the Crap that is allowed in most movies and shows? Not a chance, the world has turned into a disgusting place and what is being dubbed acceptable for young kids these days is really bothering me. Maybe I have become soft, or can be called a hypocrite but I don't want my daughter exposed to cursing all the time and think that is ok to speak or even more so be spoken to like that by some dude. I curse(not around Noel) I still have a drink, my favorite movies are slasher films and I have bad habits but I don't want her exposed to that until it is age appropriate.  lets take swearing in front of her, if I was to sit and talk like that in front of her all day and night then tell her that she cant or shouldn't say those bad words, then what kind of example am I setting or how hypocritical would that be? same thing with what we watch on tv, listen on the radio, or even eat and drink. if I sat there and ate a big mac while she sat and ate just fruits and veggies because that is what is good for her then why am I eating crap? and even more so becoming a follower of Christ, I can sit and preach and say well give her the option to choose when she is old enough but if I am not doing it, if I am sitting idol and just saying she should believe without showing her then in most cases it will never happen. trying to live and lead by example."

There were not many rebutals after that one to my suprise! However, I find it amazing how what has been on my mind and my heart to come ahead in a silly lil facebook status starting off about Country music.

A lot of our recent Bible studies have been around the topic of viewing what you want for your future..... visualize.... and then gravitate to things that portray that in your mind. I apply that to parenting and Noel. What I visualize for Noel is a beautifully strong and independent but, soft and caring young woman whom Loves her Lord and her family with all her mind body and soul. A lovely lady that will not seek out bad habits(smoking, drinking, cussing, etc) because she sees people around her doing them. But rather see these influences as unacceptable and draws closer to Jesus and his always flowing love for her. I pray that she doesnt see the oversexualization and industry of exploting women bodies and sex. Rather I pray she learn respect and love of her body and respectable relationship behaviors. I pray that she sees healthy relationships as normalcy instead of a rare thing. That she will see between her parents, between her grandma and grandpa, her church families. I pray for a young women whom knows the difference between right and wrong.

Thus, these type of people places objects are what we are purposely gravitating to..... and purposely avioding. For example we are more then likely going to go to a church Easter hunt rather then a rock concert with a bunch of people smoking cussing drinking and acting like children rather then adults...... (As you see thats not a behavior we want her to see as acceptable!)

Yes I have set the bar high. I know she will spread her little wings and explore this world of which scares the poo out of me. However, I also feel as a parent it is in fact my role to point her and guide her in the right direction.

-Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

So what is the answer for us as her parents..... I think this kind of sums it up.......

-Proverbs 13:20
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

This verse speaks to me in two ways. First off it tells me that much like my husband said above, we need to be her ultimate example. The way we talk, what we listen to, what we watch, what we eat, the way we live is what we need to reflect as the ultimate good influence.

Second off, maybe those things or people whom dont exhibit the values and believes are necessary for rasing a young lady as I explained above need to be limited or ultimately removed.  Because, like I said influences are a great big deal in the recipie of building up a person.


1 comment:

  1. Love this blog. You def. have a follower-me! I will definately use this blog for guidance with our little one and our family. This is wonderful and very helpful advice. Thanks so much. -Kait
