Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Noel turned 1!!!

Hello All,

  I'm getting time to blog while Noel is taking a awesome power nap.:)
We had Noel's first birthday this last Saturday and all my hard work paid off. We had a great time. Noel probably could have had a better time if she would have felt better:( She had a little bit of a cold, of which, she is over now thanks to a whole lotta nursing! YAY thats another huge milestone we have hit a year breastfeeding! YAY us!!! And for all of you asking,"Sheesh when are you going to quit that... the answer is... that is Noels decision to make not mine!!!" Anywho, I thought I would share some pictures from these two huge events!!!:)... BTW most credit of the party goes to great pinterest ideas!!!:)
Of course why dont we start with my Birthday Girl and Me!:)

All of the foods had something to do with Mickey Mouse clubhouse... We had "toodles soup" aka Chili, Figaros Fruits, Goofys Grapes, Cuckaloo Cornbread, Clara belles cupcakes, Plutos popcorn bar, Daisys Dip, Hot diggity Dogs :0)

Noels Chalk board with facts I made for her! :) Such a cute idea!
I printed out a TON of pictures!!!! We had pictures hanging everywhere! We had a timeline of months of Noel, The many faces of Noel, Mama & Me, Dada & Me, and My friends & me! A lil over 120 pictures in all!
Cute Pinterest Idea, A birthday book all the guests sign! :)

These are Noels minnie cupcakes and her minnie cake! We had a awesome cake maker maker her cake and it tasted as good as it looks.

The Princess in her throne! Ill link the healthy birthday cake I made! It tasted delicious!

We had Plutos ball Pit, a coloring table, and a bubble wrap run that the kids really enjoyed! :)

This is Noel and her daddy opening all her fun presents! She got alot of great things!!!!

Some pictures of Noel with her Grandma and Grandpa... (They were babying her because she wasnt feeling good... While I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off!)

A couple shots of us cutting Noels cake. (Well everyone elses cake... to much sugar for Noel!)

And a couple shots of some of Noels Friends! Sheesh there was a ton of people there that I missed pictures with! :(
Anywho, Noel didnt even smash her smash cake I made for her. She wasnt feeling the best! But, I being the health freak that I am didnt want her exposed to things she wasnt already exposed to so we had a very healthy apple sauce and banana cake (with breastmilk instead of other milk!) and apple sauce/nondairy cream cheese icing.
The link for that cake is here: Noels first birthday cake recipie
We wouldnt have had such a great party without all the help and family and friends that came to share this day with us! Thanks so much yet again!!!!

We made it to a YEAR!!!!! YAY Next Goal is: Psh goal! Whenever the princess decides shes done! We've went one whole year without having more then a cold and spend every night falling asleep nursing. I am giving my daughter the best!

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