Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I really don't blog to much anymore, as I am now working full time but, this thought of mine is much to long for a status post on Facebook. It is also somewhat personal, but something I would love to document.....

A few weeks ago a Facebook friend of mine posted a simple meme that read... "Put one word that described your 2015."

Usually, those memes are quickly scrolled past but, as I thought about it one word came to mind,


Found?! That's not exactly the most common response.... I'm here to explain my response to this 2015 word....

Our family found so much this year......
  • Chris found a position he loves. He jumped off the rad pro tech horse, and jumped back on to his first love of surveying. This man of mine LOVES his career. He loves the company he works for. But most of all the loves the job of being a land surveyor. He constantly comes home with stories and pictures of what his day has held. The mountain he has hiked or the beautiful waterfall he found. He has a passion and a love for this career that I don't see him being happy doing anything else. This position has been such a blessing to us! He's home! No more traveling! No more me worrying about if he's okay and No more Noel having breakdowns about when daddy is coming home! I am so happy to have that life behind us!

  • We found a community, a support system, a way of living better when we found Noel's school, Little River Montessori. God knew exactly what he was doing we He led us there. When the school year began we set out to find a school for Noel that aligned with what we believed in. The biggies We wanted in a school for Noel was: a place that respected Noel as a person, a place that gently guided our strong willed strong loving daughter, a place that her 'individual' development was taken into account and her skills she mastered was built upon instead of just passing her along because that's what the classes pace is, a place that knew the importance of ;proper nutrition, outside play, problem solving without violence, gardening, loving the Earth and all the creatures on that Earth, and mostly a place she loved and a place I felt was the best possible place to leave my daughter at for the majority of the day! With that bucket list I'm sure you can imagine the frustration with trying to find somewhere that fit all of those things. Well guess what?! We found all of that and much more when we found Little River Montessori. We found a community of parents who believe in their children and want them to succeed. We found teachers that above all else love our Noel and would fight for her like she was their own at the drop of a hat. The next 2 parts of what we found there will be in my next bullet after a school picture!
  • This has been a whirlwind year for us..... My dear husband found and secured the career path he desired and I put my career path on the back burner to have Noel and stay home with her for the last 2 years of which I wouldn't take that decision back in a million years. This school year I started in public school with the real possibility of having a position opening up and my name being thrown in that hat. That door was slammed shut with a laugh for the most part. My heart has been in education since I can remember. I use to play teacher with Jimmy at home when we were little. But the slammed door at the beginning of the school year all but nearly blew out the flame I had for education all together. But oh does God know the desires of my heart. End of October comes and I stepped back and said to myself wait my daughter is in Montessori school for a reason and then a offer after fall break for a part time substitute position opened up at her school.... And I took a breath in and breathed out the negative and I let go and let God fill in the rest of the pieces to the puzzle..... Long story short I Found God yet again in the details working as He does and providing even in very uncertain decisions. I also found myself in a position I am beyond words to even describe my excitement for. I work full time at Little River Montessori as the Teaching assistant in the Toddler room. The fire inside my heart has been completely relit as I have fell head over heels in love with Montessori.... Everything Montessori! I am passionate about my position, I am passionate about heading back into school to learn how to become a better Montessori teacher, I am passionate about being in a position where I can work but I can also peek through the window and see my heart bouncing around and learning in her classroom. I found amazing mentors, coworkers, and friends at Little River Montessori as well. I did sadly leave behind some great Friends at MBES of which God put in mil life just at the right time! I truly believe they built my confidence up in such a way that I could pursue what God led me to.
I don't know how to sum it up better then this lil meme quote. God has blessed us in 2015! We have everything we need and we are working hard for what we want! I am so thankful for God's provision and His unending love. I am so thankful that in 2012 we found a church community that has walked us through this process and set us up for the 2015 we had by showing us that it is all because of HIM and our walk/relationship with Him! I pray next year that we as a family have more of Him and less of Us. Who know maybe a lil prayer for another lil Walton too;)