Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 a year in review...

  There is not a more true statement then of this meme above. I truly feel like I'm exiting this year a better person. I feel not as if the stress is gone, but as if I have followed the phrase, "Let go and let God" better then I ever have. I started this year down on morale and feeling the need to be 'that mom.' Don't get me wrong I'm still a crunchy organic gentle parenting type of mom. However, I don't feel so down on myself and my situation that I feel the need to hurt everyone's feelings around me just because I can.  Why is that you ask? I did a book study with Good Morning Girls called  You are Loved. Its main point was
    Such a easy concept right? Well I needed to study it for it to sink in. I needed to read that the love  I have for Noel; which is unmeasurable, immense as the sea, forgiving of all, is how much God love me but tenfold.  Here is another excerpt from this study to round out this thought:
Remember that no matter where you are in life, whether you’re in a good place or a hard, lonely place, God is right there with you. Psalm 139:7-10
Christ went to great lengths to demonstrate His love for us….he died on a cross.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”- Romans 5:8
Christ’s death is proof of His unconquerable love for us. He went to such great lengths to demonstrate His love so that we will be secure in knowing we are loved by Him.
“A person who feels loved, lives with relief that they do not have to perform. They live with joy to know they are acceptable as they are. They live with hope because they are not alone.”- Sally Clarkson, You Are Loved

Oh how great His love is for us. I really let this study and a few more studies really sink in and my mood and my demeanor started to change. Christopher and I started plugging ourselves in more church related activities. Small group with amazing Christian friends to do life with every Wednesday. Church service every Sunday, of which Noel looks forward to seeing her friends and Ms.Cyndi. And now... Saturday night church set up when we can. Christopher is 'the head parking dude' at BCC now. I'm very happy serving Sunday mornings rocking babies and putting my cloth diaper knowledge to use. We strive to have a Christ centered home. Which means striving to be Christ like.... also with the wonderful influence of a toddler(parrot) whom is always watching and listening..... We have cut out cussing and yelling(which is best for a relationship anyways.) Drinking isn't the cool thing anymore. Don't get me wrong a glass of wine here and a trip to Smokey Mtn Moonshine are on occasion. Events where there are heavy consumption and the chance of danger are just not desirable anymore to us especially with a impressionable toddler.  Negativity is pushed to the farthest possible corners of the earth. Really our way of life has completely changed 100 %. Relying on God is a big part of our everyday walk. One of my favorite quotes from one of the last sermons this year was, "Outcome is God's responsibility, obedience Is ours" is a perfect way to sum up where our minds are at. I shared this meme not to long ago on Facebook but I really love it.... Its never too late to- and these are in no particular order my top five of 2014 :

1: Start Over
2: Forgive the person who hurt you- Forgive yourself
3: Put your past in your past repent
4: Create Healthy Relationships
5: Hope and Trust in the Lord
  Not that most all of those on that list weren't personally hit one way or another I just find value in those in particular. This year we've went through plenty of struggle between Christopher career changes, to me returning to the workforce, to loving friends through painful times, to Noel terrific twos, to family drama, but through it all ultimately giving God the Glory and exiting 2014 with a full heart and being so in love with the blessings I've been given on top of a growing relationship with Christ. I'm going to leave you all with another meme that I like to strive to for 2015 and a few pictures from 2014
. But my friend I will tell you once you realize how much God loves you everything will mean so much more.
Love- Kim<3