Thursday, September 19, 2013

Noel Turns 10 Months:)))

Its hard to believe 10 months and 1 day ago I had my precious angel. It is amazing to me how smart and beautiful she is! Every week she has a new word and a new trick she has picked up...'Usually from her daddy.' Her vocabulary thus far includes; dada, mama, booba, up, and her new personal fav pawpaw. Its funny how even when pawpaw aint here hes getting blamed for things:) It is such a wonderful adventure. I love being her mommy and I love even more how amazing my husband is to give me the opportunity to stay home with our little angel!
This is the princess shopping yesterday for baby food goodies :) Yes she was pretty much standing by herself... we are sooo close to that! BTW Im not going off on a baby food entry but if your interested in baby food, of which I would recommend, a great website is it has great recipies:)))

Here are a few Pictures from her 10 mo/Fall pictures:


   I had a lil bit of a friend issue arise lately.... Have you ever been the one not invited to something for reasons unknown to you (pretty sure my reason happens to be because I have a baby) and then been sitting in the same room as all of these friends talk about the event you werent invited to? Truth be told yes Im a mom and I wouldnt have went anyways because of my responsibilities but the thought of being invited would have been nice. For some reason this really stuck me as upsetting. It has really had me reevaluate the friendships I have and the importance of these relationships as Im am going through this new chapter in my life.
  I write about that situation to explain the new relationships we are making with new people in our life. In Early 2013 Christopher and I joined Blount Community Church in Maryville, TN. (It is awesome and contemporary and young and we love it yall should visit.) It has been a blessing. It has been a constant wonderful experience in our lives. As Noel has gotten a little bit bigger we have decided it is time for us to get more involved and after doing a great marriage group we have joined a community group with other young couples with young princesses. I feel like after the strained and hard and not positive influences in our lives this is where God is leading us and we are just so excited to learn and love. God keeps showing me Jeremiah 29:11-13 which reads, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

  Everything we have is a blessing from our Lord. His plan at this time I feel is to put us in a positive group of people with similar beliefs and I believe this group and this church is where we are meant to be. I may have outside stresses but, in that same thought I am so blessed with my amazing husband and my beautiful healthy daughter that these temporary disappointments are exactly that. Temporary..... lessons......disappointments....I think my husbands least favorite things I say is you are whom you choose to hang out with..... My God has a plan for us.... And I believe it is time to phase out the negative and phase in the positive :)
